Wednesday, July 15, 2009

beach baby....breech baby

So, I did want to let everyone know how my dr's appointments went. They did find leakage on two of my heart valves, but the cardiologist said there's nothing to be concerned about and that there should be no problem delivering healthily. So, good news! The other news I got last week is that Grayson is breech. No wonder I've been having such bad rib pain - there's a head and legs stuck in my right ribcage! Because he is breech we scheduled a c-section for July 29th at 6 a.m. So, unless he decides to come before then - July 29 will be his birthday!

I have been working very hard to get everything done before then...I know the next 2 weeks will fly by! The room is almost finished and everything is washed. I just have to get the cars cleaned out and the carseats installed and finish packing my bag, which is almost done! It will be here before I know it!!!

1 comment:

  1. That is good news about you being able to delivery safely; good luck & how exciting to know Grayson's birthday!!
