Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! 2009 is sure to be a very exciting year for us with the little one! This past year flew by too fast! I feel like there is so much to be done before the end of July! As soon as we get home I'm going to clean out the baby's room so I can have a blank slate. There is alot of cleaning and rearranging to do! I know Travis will be annoyed at all the furniture moving he will be doing, but I am very excited!

This week the baby is a size of a green olive. How amazing that it looks like a baby but it is only one inch! The next few weeks (by week 11) the baby will be the size of a lime! How amazing!

The first couple of weeks of pregnancy were a little scary, but I find that as I near the end of my first trimester I'm becoming more hopeful about having a beautiful, perfect baby. I'm finally letting myself feel more excited than scared and it feels great! I have my first appointment (besides my ER visit) coming on Monday. Pray for good bloodwork results and a healthy, growing baby!!

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